Monday, 10 June 2019

Say what?

It's literally been years since the last time I've posted, so much have changed - so many more braincells have been roasted. Life has turned a 180 more than once or twice yet my future is still as uncertain as the throwing of a dice. Fuck! At least there you have a one in six chance, here it just moving forward in a complete and utter deep and deadly trance. Did so well for so fucking long even thought I was immune and maybe even strong. Fuck me sideways boy was I wrong. I suppose there is no reason to cry about this fucking shit, all I can do is try picking my life up again bit by bit. How tired can one single person get? How much more is there that one single person can regret? The more I am typing the more I hate me, myself and I and the fucked up part is that I don't even have tears to cry. Frustration building up through body and brain, and the tension caused by it is driving me the fuck insane.
Fuuuck! How much more can I hate myself and me? How fucking blind  and stupid can one person be? Numbing myself out from morning to night, so sick and tired of this constant fight. The problem is what to do when you are clean and sober when your biggest fear is actually strarting all over?
Sad but true, boo-fucking-hoo!

'I hate myself and I wanna die'

Kurt Cobain

2nd Edition available now !

  Click here to purchase. Dive into the raw and unfiltered world of  Love in the Shadows , a soul-stirring poetry collection that explores t...