Monday, 13 August 2012

The illuminati

Soul being held prisoner of your mind, open your eyes so the truth you shall find. This prison you sorta volunteered to be in called addiction is just another trap causing you hell and restriction. So much hate for them on which to feed, fuck that sounds like the perfect heaven they need. Helping them to create a prison thats close to hell, well at the end of the day only time will tell...
Caught between subutex and smack, wishing so badly you can just get your life back. Always drowning in this cell of hate and doubt, banging on the doors and screaming but no one can hear you shout. Always on a buzz by dealer or legal script, all you want is free to be ripped. Yet all your negativity and shit keeps you improsoned so fucking bad and the reality behind it all is so fucking sad...
It feels like a life sentence you volunteered for, tightly locked up in a cell yet you hold the key to the door. At the end of the day youre the dumbfuck that put yourself there, giving away all your passion and your lifes flair. The world makes it so complicated to break free, all the shit on tv and in the media we see. Making you feel so inferiour and small and thats why again and again you fall...

"If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet."

Keith Richards: In His Own Words

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