Tuesday 31 July 2012

Jesus Christ

Still not seeing that this numbing out of all the pain and shit in my life really doesn't fly? Maybe you're just using it as a very well masked justified excuse to permanently stay high? Well, whatever your poor lame-ass and pathetically patched together excuse may be? You're anyway stll to blantantly ignorant and fucking naive to see...
Cause you know the difference between their rights and wrongs but your rendition is a completely different fucking song. Cause yours involves a little detail called common sense; and that makes the whole situation a lot less tense. Just a pity that implimenting it in your life is so much easier said than done and that constantly being on a buzz from time to time is still fun...
See how quickly i can bullshit myself and change the subject, they shouldve sent me back to the factory with a huge red stamp saying: REJECT. Or? Maybe i shud just pull finger and start doing what im supposed to be doing and stop repeating this process where myself i keep on screwing. Fucked up and lost and that i wont deny, pumping my veins full of shit to try, to get me high, make sure my brains i fry, causing depression yet still i dont have tears to cry, wishing out of this situation i could just fly, wondering when im going to die, before i start boring myself and you i better say goodbye, sad fucking reality: my 'oh my...

'This is the end. Beautiful friend. This is the end. My only friend, the end. It hurts to set you free. But you'll never follow me. The end of laughter and soft lies. The end of nights we tried to die. This is the end'

The Doors - The End

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And edited….

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